Maybe some of you missed getting another message from Perelandra College when it was due, right around last Sunday. For once, I can offer what I believe is an acceptable excuse. I meant to send this while in Tucson visiting my wonderful Darcy and her most fine and noble son Nicholas and his new baby, which makes him (Cassius) my great grandson.
But fate (in the form of a big rig tire casing) or a malevolent spirit sent me careening into the median and from there to a miserable hospital for four days. If you would care to read my opinion of that hospital, subscribe to Rats in the Ivory Tower.
Now I will turn to wrapping up my four-part rant about revivals:
For those who have patiently awaited my conclusions that emerged from studying or witnessing three twentieth century revivals, and also for those who haven't, here it is:
Remember this passage from "Battle Hymn of the Republic?"
"I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel, 'As you deal with my conviverous soul, with you my grace shall deal.'"
Whether or not I'm crazy, I'll ask that you consider my opinion that revivals begin when we love even at the risk of severe discomfort such as may rise out of encounters with those who threaten our cultural prejudices, doctrines, or politics.
I’ll contend with deep assurance that church leaders who long for revival had best guide their people toward deeper love, free of judgment, toward love that appears outrageous in the world’s eyes. When God sees them offering outrageous love in his name, he may provide signs and wonders. Who knows, he may even effect healing, or the ability to prophesy in strange languages, or he may grant instant conversions that truly change people's lives. He certainly may inspire art of all sorts such as music too sublime to be of this world. Â
Then skeptical outsiders will witness these wonders and come running. Not to belong to a church, but to witness and perhaps partake in the gifts of God's spirit.
        So if I were a church leader seeking revival, I would look for ways to enlist my congregation in a prayerful, passionate, and active quest for opportunities to offer love that appears outrageous in the context of their culture.
Of course, churches or leaders don't make revivals. God makes them. But only when people exhibit their willingness to imitate the ways of his conviverous soul.
Remember, the revival Christ brought and which we are called to carry on wasn’t accomplished through doctrine, miracles, or persuasion, but by his demonstration of the most outrageous love, which is why I cringe when I hear Judy Collins sing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and change the line "as he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free" to "as he died to make men holy let us live to make men free" which refutes the point of the song, and of Christ's life and death; I mean we are asked to die to self and live in Christ, which must also mean that we should be willing to die to carry out Christ's aims, if necessary. Because as Tae Kwon Do Master Joeng often admonished, "if you aren't willing to die, don't fight."